Oct. 16, 2021

Maxie Hayles MBE Human Rights Advocate & Author

Maxie Hayles MBE Human Rights Advocate & Author

Anti-Racism Campaigner, Human Rights Advocate, Community Leader & Author Maxie Hayles MBE discusses arriving in the UK from Jamaica during the 1960’s, the motivation to become an advocate opposing racial discrimination, successfully campaigning for the Stephen Laurence Inquiry to consider racism in Birmingham, plans to create a movie based on his book and much more…
Maxie Hayles MBE former positions include Senior Practitioner at St Basil’s Centre Housing Association, Chairman of the Sandwell African Caribbean Forum Housing Project and the Birmingham Racial Attacks Monitoring Unit.

Maxie Info:

Book: Taking It To The Max: An Autobiography
Website: http://maxiehayles.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maxie.hayles
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxie-hayles-mbe-a73550127/
Movie CrowdFunder: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/taking-it-to-the-max

Anti-Racism Campaigner, Human Rights Advocate, Community Leader & Author Maxie Hayles MBE discusses arriving in the UK from Jamaica during the 1960’s, the motivation to become an advocate opposing racial discrimination, successfully campaigning for the Stephen Laurence Inquiry to consider racism in Birmingham, plans to create a movie based on his book and much more… 

Maxie Hayles MBE former positions include Senior Practitioner at St Basil’s Centre Housing Association, Chairman of the Sandwell African Caribbean Forum Housing Project and the Birmingham Racial Attacks Monitoring Unit.  

Maxie Info:  Book: Taking It To The Max: An Autobiography https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taking-Max-Autobiography-Maxie-Hayles/dp/1910553689

Website: http://maxiehayles.co.uk/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maxie.hayles

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxie-hayles-mbe-a73550127/

Movie CrowdFunder: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/taking-it-to-the-max