Celebrating The 1 Year Podcasting Anniversary & 150 Plus Interviews!

Thank you for listening and following my Podcasts. It has been a very interesting and enjoyable experience!
A BIG Thank You to all of my Guests including:
Jane Elliot, Internationally Recognized Diversity Trainer & Anti-Racism Advocate (appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show 5 times)
Robert Bell Songwriter, Producer, Musician and Co-Founder of the multi-award winning band Kool & the Gang who have officially sold over 70 million albums world-wide discusses his highly successful as a musician and more…
Psychologist, Cyber-Psychology Researcher and Online Safety Educator Dr. Michael Nuccitelli Psy.D. discusses Trolling behaviours, Cyber Stalking, Online Predators and more…
Kim Olver Relationship Counselor, Coach and Award-Winning Author who specializes in Choice Theory® discusses the importance of positive self-development, healthy relationships and more…Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/
Sentenced to 150 years in prison John Esteen discusses how his case became a legal landmark within in the American justice system and much more…
Listen @ Anchor https://tinyurl.com/2zh7b9p7
Author and Motivational Speaker Terry Tucker discusses being diagnosed with terminal Cancer dealing with adversity, discovering your life purpose, the inspiration to write his book plus much more…
Lee Jasper Former Deputy Mayor of London UK & Award Winning Anti-Racism Activist discusses working with Nelson Mandela, challenging injustices and much more…
Psychotherapist Dr. Sarah Williams PhD discusses how childhood experiences can influence our relationship choices plus much more…
Whoomp! (There It Is) DC Glenn of Rap Duo ‘Tag Team’ discusses his childhood, their hit single officially selling 4 million plus records world-wide plus much more…
With over 150 interviews there are a wide variety of topics discussed with many guests who are experts in their fields.
Wishing you happy listening!
Kind Regards,
Thank you for listening to and following my Podcasts. It has been a very interesting and enjoyable experience!
A BIG Thank You to all of my Guests including:
Jane Elliot, Internationally Recognized Diversity Trainer & Anti-Racism Advocate (appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show 5 times)
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/2LnTLrC
Robert Bell Songwriter, Producer, Musician and Co-Founder of the multi-award winning band Kool & the Gang who have officially sold over 70 million albums world-wide discusses his highly successful as a musician and more…
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/2FVnuFt
Psychologist, Cyber-Psychology Researcher and Online Safety Educator Dr. Michael Nuccitelli Psy.D. discusses Trolling behaviours, Cyber Stalking, Online Predators and more…
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/2QFYXJP
Kim Olver Relationship Counselor, Coach and Award-Winning Author who specializes in Choice Theory® discusses the importance of positive self-development, healthy relationships and more…
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/3q7R9xy
Sentenced to 150 years in prison John Esteen discusses how his case became a legal landmark within in the American justice system and much more…
Listen @ Anchor https://tinyurl.com/2zh7b9p7
Author and Motivational Speaker Terry Tucker discusses being diagnosed with terminal Cancer dealing with adversity, discovering your life purpose, the inspiration to write his book plus much more…
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/30zZYV6
Lee Jasper Former Deputy Mayor of London UK & Award Winning Anti-Racism Activist discusses working with Nelson Mandela, challenging injustices and much more…
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/2OTkBcF
Psychotherapist Dr. Sarah Williams PhD discusses how childhood experiences can influence our relationship choices plus much more…
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/39Il6xt
Whoomp! (There It Is) DC Glenn of Rap Duo ‘Tag Team’ discusses his childhood, their hit single officially selling 4 million plus records world-wide plus much more…
Listen @ Anchor https://bit.ly/3rPxCRW
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author Jeff Lestz discussing becoming an orphan at 7 years old, becoming a millionaire at 31 years old and much more…
Listen @ Anchor https://tinyurl.com/24xysm8f
With over 150 interviews there are a wide variety of topic discussed with many guests who are experts in their fields.
Wishing you happy listening!
Kind Regards,
Podcasts Website: https://www.authornigelbecklespodcasts.com/