Anthony Brightly, co-founder of the Reggae group Black Slate, discusses becoming involved with the music industry, having the hits ‘Sticks Man’ & ‘Amigo’, backing several legendary artists live in concert, including Dennis Brown, managing an acclaimed sound system, creating the ‘Sir George’ record …
Psychotherapist, Counsellor & Author Annz Zuri discusses the motivation to write her first book, challenges faced by Black people in the UK, the importance of finding creative outlets for feelings of frustration, hosting an online radio show highlighting a variety of issues, plans for the future an…
Wayne Haynes, a survivor of the New Cross Fire in London during January 1981 that claimed the lives of 13 Black teenagers and a Director of the New Cross Fire Foundation discusses his memories of the incident, how he escaped, life changing injuries, response of the Black community after the disaste…
American Frankie Caminita discusses recovering from an abusive relationship with a partner who is an alleged Covert Narcissist, seeking support, the benefits of self-reflection during the aftermath, the importance of effective personal boundaries, men maintaining their mental health plus much more……
Author & Mental Health & Drugs/Substance Abuse Expert Richard Capriola the motivation to write his book, the different consequences for adult and teenagers involved with substance abuse, the rising problem of Fentanyl addiction in America, potential mental health issues caused by drugs, warning sig…
American author Danielle Patrice discusses the recent publication of her book, the damage caused to the brains of victims of domestic abuse, warning signs a persons could be an abuser, the most important strategy for people trapped in an abusive relationship plus much more… Danielle Info: Email:…
Leroy Wilson and Henri Clarke members of the popular veteran Lovers Rock band Arema discuss the formation of the group, musical influences, touring with Reggae legend Gregory Issacs, challenges of the music industry, their latest release, plans for the future and much more… Arema Info: Other memb…
Marcia M. Spence discusses her childhood experiences of reading many books, releasing her first publication, her journey into the world of publishing, supporting clients, guidance for aspiring authors, plans for the future plus much more… Marcia Info: Website…
Keisha Adair Swaby discusses the challenges of writing her first book during the Covid Lockdown, becoming involved with TV productions as a supporting artist, raising awareness regarding Dyslexia and Dyspraxia plus much more…
Peaceful Living Expert Roberta Hughes discusses how she became involved with her field of work, creating her organization, supporting people to improve their relationship with stress, suggested strategies to create a more peaceful life, and much more… Roberta Info: Website https://www.peacefulll…
Limor Bergman Gross discusses being a former Director of Engineering at Digital Ocean with over 20 years of experience in the tech industry, why she became an executive coach for women in tech leadership, encouraging career progression, why she believes empowering people in the industry is importa…
Addiction Recovery Advocate Al Richards discusses his previous personal battles with alcohol and cocaine addiction, why some people become addicted to various substances, supporting people struggling with addictive behaviours, creating ‘The Other Side of Addiction’ podcast, and much more… Al Info:…
Self-Improvement Expert Kevin Palmieri discusses why having consistent habits is vital to building a better life, how to shift negative thoughts to create a positive mindset, advice on transforming our personal relationships and much more… Kevin Info: Website …
Author & Event Promoter Tony Fairweather discusses opening the first Black book shop combined with an art gallery in the UK, working for The Voice newspaper, creating ‘The Write Thing’ company, working with Terri McMillan {Disappearing Acts} and other well-known authors, the inspiration to write hi…
Author and Spiritual Advisor Neferatiti Ife discuses awakening to spirituality, discovering her psychic abilities, communicating with the spirits of people who have passed away, the inspiration to write her first book and much more… Neferatiti Info: Website: