Certified Mediator & Relationship Couples Financial Coach Adam Kol discusses the top myths concerning love and money, why money issues are the main reason for divorce, the biggest mistakes couples make regarding managing their joint finances plus much more…
Adam Info:
Website: www.CouplesFinancialCoach.com
Tel: (954) 532-8352.
Podcast: The Couples Financial Coach Podcast https://tinyurl.com/4ckmb82p
Certified Mediator & Relationship Couples Financial Coach Adam Kol discusses the top myths concerning love and money, why money issues are the main reason for divorce, the biggest mistakes couples make regarding managing their joint finances plus much more…
Adam Info:
Website: www.CouplesFinancialCoach.com
Tel: (954) 263-5719
Podcast: The Couples Financial Coach Podcast https://tinyurl.com/4ckmb82p